My YouTube review channel playlist is my main resource for finding quality films. Not rotten tomatoes or imdb, where the losers go. Decker Shado remains my number 1 because, honestly, who doesn't love an eyepatch-wearing dude? Howdys critiques of movies that are bad are always spot on. Adam Does Films is another YouTube video I often watch. Good ev
Professional on movies, loves people as well as animals, loves my friends and family, is a writer, blogger, filmmaker, editor, painter, musician, movie event designer, podcaster, TV individuality (and also previous TNT shows department member), passionate pet cat roomie, progressive, questioner, collector, actor, keyboardist and percussionist, sing
Rocky Review [vlog]
original review When world heavyweight boxing champion Apollo Creed decides to give a shot at the title to an unknown fighter as a publicity stunt, his handlers choose palooka Rocky Balboa, an illiterate collector for a Philadelphia loan shark. Rocky has teamed up with trainer Mickey Goldmill in order to make the most of this once in a lifetime